Customer Testimonials

Tim Scheld

Program Director


At WCBS NewsRadio 880, we used RadioVoodoo to stay connected to our listeners and to engage them. We house many of our daily features on the site and our RadioVoodoo listener line allows people to hear popular features like our Small Business Report, Dishin Digital, and Health and Well Being updated daily. In addition, we use the RadioVoodoo line for Talk Backs, opportunities for our listeners to sound off on a particular story. We turn around and use the audio recordings on the air. It makes for great radio and keeps us connected to our listeners.

Kevin Quinn

Afternoon Host and APD

KRBE Houston

Radio Voodoo is an indispensable tool for us at KRBE, streamlining our ability to interact via the phone with listeners in a dynamic way. It makes contesting, requests, and getting callers on the air so much easier. We’re still working remotely, but thanks to Radio Voodoo, calls can be routed from the studio to our jocks seamlessly without missing a beat. We simply can’t DO radio without Radio Voodoo.

R Dub!

President & Host

Sunday Night Slow James

I’ve been using Radio Voodoo going on 15 years now…couldn’t live without it! Your brand deserves more than a busy signal!